Empower yourself with our signature waxes!
Not only does waxing leaving you silky smooth but it is empowering, it keeps things clean and as a bonus it moves things along in the bedroom. Waxing removes hair from the root, when you shave you just cut the hair, so two hours later, you can see the hair there or the blue shadow (the hair follicle below the skin). Waxing, on the other hand, not only can last up to a month, but it’s also much more permanent—over time it thins the hair so less grows back. Bonus: It exfoliates the skin as well, leaving you feeling silky smooth.
After an assessment exploring your ideal brow, we’ll expertly wax, trim and tweeze to achieve their best shape.
We wax the sides, middle and corners of the mouth. Lower lip included, if needed.
Chin is waxed according your needs and can include the lower lip to just under the jawbone.
Hair is waxed from the forehead, cheeks, sideburns, lip, chin and just under the jawbone. Does not include brows or nose.
Hair is removed from the entire armpit, plus we’ll tweeze any strays left behind.
Full : Hair is removed from the tips of your fingers to the top of your shoulders.
Hair is waxed from the top of the feet and toes
Hair is waxed from the tip of your toes to the top of your thighs.
Hair is waxed from the top of the knee down to the tip of your toes.
Everything goes with the Brazilian including the inner backside. A thin strip can be left, if desired.
Waxed every 3-4 weeks depending on your hair cycle.
Hair is waxed outside the panty line, plus a little is waxed off the top.
Numbing Cream - $10
Hair is waxed from your sternum to your hip bones, leaving your stomach completely hair-free.
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